Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Time flies

Good morning!

Well I’m glad all is well going back into normal life. We’re still trying to get things going again here. STACIE'S ENGAGED!!!!! Ha-ha that's so cool. She also wrote me and let me know. That’s super exciting! If I’m there for it all the better but if not, well such is life. I’m not worried either way. I just like to tease about it because there have been so many weddings.

With Lewis, I know I’ve met him at least once, probably not more than that. My mom told me I think last week that he had passed, but at least we know he's in a better place. And no I didn't know brother horrocks passed either. I knew him but again not very well. I remember who he is though. I can picture his face etc. again; at least we know he's in a better place.

Ha-ha and speaking of the ward, I know it's early but can I give my "homecoming talk" march 18th?? It’s the Sunday right after I get home.... I’m not sure how that normally works but I think it'd be cool to speak my 1st Sunday back.... as far as recognizing the ward etc. I have no idea what to expect. I actually was thinking about the ward recently and where everyone sits during sacrament meeting.... I’m excited to see the changes!

That’s cool you were able to copy the pictures etc. thanks for doing that! The picture of Alex and I am not on my camera.... I don't think I had it on me at that moment. Another elder emailed it to me so if you can print a hard copy or somehow secure it that'd be nice. That’s not something to rush about either. I also have the picture in my email so I’m not too worried.

Well the wind chill let up some and Saturday I was wearing a short sleeve shirt without a jacket or anything else! It was in the low 60's with a light breeze and felt amazing! I loved it! Sadly it is becoming colder again and yes I am able to stay plenty warm! Don’t send anything!!!! However we still have NO SNOW!! Ha-ha it’s a crazy winter. I love it though. That is crazy that as has more snow than other states!

Thank you for your love and support! I need it a lot right now.... I’ve been with the same companion for almost 3 transfers (at the end of this month will be 3 transfers) and it's time for a change.... and that play's into being a district leader! So I’m doing my best and he's doing his best and we'll see what happens for my last 6 weeks in NJ. I love this work. It’s amazing being able to serve with so many people in an area I’ve never seen in my entire life and be able to recognize the Lord's hand in the work!

I know it's true. It doesn't matter what doubts or questions come to mind, the gospel in its restored fullness is true. We will comprehend that which is necessary for us to comprehend and all else will be a mystery to us in which we must not allow ourselves to lose faith or hope..... Some of those things have popped up in my head and I’m grateful to know that I don't have to comprehend them right now.

I love you all. Thank you for your love and support! I’m grateful for you and all you do. You all (y'all) are in my prayers always! Have a great week! Stay warm? Cool? I’m not sure what's going on in AZ right now weather wise.... anyway we'll talk next week!

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