Monday, December 12, 2011

Getting colder

Good morning!!!

So it is definitely feeling like Christmas now!!! Well here, actually, lights and decorations were out just a day or 2 after thanksgiving so it's been feeling a lot like Christmas for a while! And the weather is finally starting to get colder. Today shouldn't be higher than the 40's. This morning when we went to do our laundry, it was in the 20s. I love it ssssoooooo much!! I’m going to miss it.

So it sounds like a busy week and like weeks ahead are going to be even more busy. You’re always in my prayers. And thanks for the reminders!

Ha-ha ya Emily... she's having fun messing with guys' hearts. I’m glad she’s being proactive about it though. And I heard joey got engaged but I haven't seen any pictures..... It’s crazy he's comprometidose tan pronto.

So with the package.... yes transfers are on the 20th and it is highly likely that I’ll be transferred. I’ve been here in this area a while so we'll see what happens. I’d say your best bet would be to send the package to the mission office and I’m guaranteed to get it before Christmas because we have an all mission conference on the 23rd of December. All mail will be given out then as well as just a few days earlier at transfer conference. I’m guaranteed either way to get it. Thank you!!! I can't think of any food or snacks.... whatever works. I guess homemade snack/food is always better than store bought if that helps.

I love you all. Thank you for everything. It’s been the best having you to support me in everything and anything. Thank you, thank you, and thank you.

So this past week we were privileged to attend the Manhattan temple in NY. We spend a few hours there on Wednesday and to our enjoyment, we got to be with the group of missionaries going home which means our mission president and his wife were there too!! It was pretty cool. We had a lot of fun. We walked through time square to get to the bus station and saw why they call it time square! It’s so crazy how or even why buildings are built the way they are. It’s insane! And on Friday we had our Christmas brunch "jingle with the Jepson’s" at the mission home. We played the white elephant game with ties. Their children sent ties out for all the elders and I think scarfs for all the sisters. It was really fun. And we got to help out with some more yard work on Saturday. Tons upon tons of leaves blown onto a tarp and dumped off onto the street. It was a blast!!

So that was the week. Sorry I don't have any interesting stories. Members are working to bring friends etc. into the gospel and we're working to meet with them to help them progress. So that's all for now. I love you and thank you for everything you do. I know I have 3 months and what’s crazy is as I thought about that it feels like Christmas is literally next week..... Time just flies by on the mission. I know the principle of the Atonement and repentance is true. There is no greater gift than that of Christ's sacrifice for us and making it possible for us to repent and receive the spirit in more abundance every day. I love you all. Thank you for everything and have a great week!

Love elder Craig Roberts

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