Monday, June 6, 2011

Good morning!
yes it is weird being the oldest in the apartment and on top only having months left not a year or two makes for more "old feelings". the only thing is I'm not senior comp b/c my comp is the dl so i have a break there. one of the elders in my apartment is from az (once again) and we've had some good chats. I've realized that i need to be the best example i can be while here b/c there are just the little things that we do that are not obedient that example can change if the person is willing. How is the burning of cds coming along? that will help immensely if i could get some of those sent out. something i've thought about also is when the new mission president comes in he might allow ipods..... haha but i don't know where you are with burning cds. if you've already burnt many do not worry about sending the ipod out. I'll let you know more on that rule in July or august.
with the area..... it almost reminds me of the forests in Arizona.... not too much but a little. i absolutely love it here!! it's not ever super hot and well, i love the surrounding trees and hills (or mountains).
yesterday was my first day translating and i had no idea what was going on! granted it was testimonies so that was a little easier then when a spanish member wanted to dar su testimonio me pare a lado de el/ella y truducte de espanol al ingles. it was super fun. the members said too that i was a good translator..... haha oh how i highly doubt that! hehe oh and how you mentioned french - we have french/english members also. i sat in on a lesson in young mens and some of it was explained in french. it was cool.
my comp and i are doing well. we are going to become more unified this week as we rocket our growth the area. we are focusing much on PMG and keeping focused on the work and being exactly obedient. and the other elders and i are doing well too. i might become bothersome in the eyes of one..... we'll see what happens.
so sounds like the reunion was a blast! did you take pictures?? i'll take some pictures of my area and send them in the next 2 or 3 weeks. this transfer is 6 weeks yet there will be transfers the last week of june.... i may or may not be affected. you'll be informed.
emily emailed me too. she's having fun like you said so i'm happy for her. she'll love her experiences.
"the work of the Lord will go on boldly, nobly, and independent until it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear!" may you all do your part in this great work!
i love you all. thank you for the love and support you give me daily, especially your prayers. this truly is the one and only true church with the complete gospel of Jesus Christ! it is true. apply it in your lives daily and watch the blessings flow into your life! thank you for everything! have a great week and cool and safe!!
love elder craig roberts

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