Monday, December 6, 2010


Happy birthday Gemma and Tanner!!! I hope you have a great week!!

so happy December!! Christmas day is coming - phone calling is near. We’ll see what happens with time etc. Thanksgiving was fun, and Christmas will not be the same, in terms of eating dinner...... we've had 2 members already ask us to come over so we are, and that is all. We’ll visit others but we will not eat more than 2. And I’m sorry I ate so much at home.... I’ll pay you back somehow.

Well today is the 2nd day it has been snowing. The first was thanksgiving for a few hours. I think today could be all day long. The temps have not gone above 52 degrees if they've even hit 50 degrees. Right now outside its 32 or within a degree or 2 of that. it's crazy. We played as missionaries and we had members/less actives and investigators there. It was great!! haha that’s awesome the ward got together for the game.

I remember when I was still with my trainer we gave a blessing or 2. I wanted to do the anointing though because I was fearful.... I wish I wasn’t and I’m learning to just follow the promptings I receive. yesterday I was able to confirm Marisol a member of the church and give her the Holy Ghost - our bishop told me I could do it in English if I felt more comfortable but I think it was better for Marisol b/c she doesn't understand Spanish as well. I did it in English yet I wish I would've done it in Spanish. Like you said, it really forces you to rely on the spirit and I love that feeling.

So for transfers, I will be staying in the Newark/oranges area but my companion is leaving. So I’ll have a new comp and when it comes to driving, President Bahr chooses who drives. The past weeks my comp drove and now that he is being transferred I think I’ll be the "appointed driver". most, if not, all, of the church vehicles have a "black box" - I don't know if you know what that is but this "box" regulates how fast you can drive and the way you drive etc. when someone speeds it says "speeding violation" and you have 10 seconds to slow down. If you don’t the church finds out which means Pres. Bahr finds out etc. its that way for everything. the "box" gets so annoying that if there is ever a reason to unplug it and we have permission to do so, we leave it unplugged as long as possible.

With the tithing I’ll send it home. What would you say is the easiest way to do it?

Did you get my package? If so, was everything ok inside? Well tanner and gemma are a year older, well gemma is today, and tanner is on Saturday, right? I can’t believe it. They are growing so old!! haha I love the kids. I’m sorry to hear the cards lost, but glad you were able to enjoy really good food!! Brother Hahl, the mission prep instructor informed me of the "sagging sports teams" in az. it’s sad they aren’t doing that great now.

So we had 2 great experiences this past week - 2 investigators received their answers, at least one did for sure and the other really felt the spirit. Monica, the first investigator, was saying the closing prayer and started to ask what happened to me, and had burst into tears. Luckily the Lord had everything planned out and we had a sister member there who was able to comfort her through the prayer. Afterwards she looked at us and stared and asked us to explain what happened. She said in the prayer she knew we would explain to her what happened. She said she "felt cold then warm" in a way she has never felt before. The spirit was so strong there. Yolanda, our other investigator, also gave the closing prayer - she too started to cry b/c of the love she has for her family, kids and the spirit touched her. She said she will be baptized when she know the church is true. She is definitely ready and prepared.

I’m excited for this month!!! We are allowed to go to the Manhattan temple one day this month - we choose the day - and probably snap a few pictures here and there. It’ll be a blast!!! We have a "brunch" in the mission home sometime this month as well and the best, of course, is calling home. For now we have 2 phones so it shouldn't be too hard to arrange a time that is best for everyone at home.

I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church. I’ve realized here more and more how blessed we really are to have the gospel already in our lives from when we are born. I see so many young men that are sad that enjoy the worldly things that they are not building that true happiness they desire so much. We took one young man out with us and when we dropped him off he asked us to take him out again, soon. He allowed to spirit to touch his heart and has desires to continue feeling the spirit!! Read the scriptures daily, pray daily and always have a prayer in your heart, and always always let everyone know how much you love them, whoever that may be. And always share your testimony, whenever possible. It’ll touch someone’s life somewhere on the way.

I love you all and thank you for everything!!! I’m praying for everyone all the time and personally I am learning and growing I hope I am different when I call. I’ll let you be the judge of that. If I can do anything for anyone please let me know. I hope everyone stays healthy and are able to enjoy this wonderful season!! Have a great week!

Love Craig

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