Monday, August 23, 2010


hola familia

haha sweet truck! it looks awesome. i hope it works for what you want it for.

ya I'm feeling better. more or less somewhat of a nose problem and clogged ears but other than that I'm feeling pretty good. so with medicine, vitamins would be good (like vitamin c) and maybe something to help unclog my ears. almost everyday i have to open and close my mouth to pop my ears so i can hear normally but even then, they clog up again. last week i was just being "weak" but i don't need too much medicine as i thought about it more and more after i sent the letter. thank you for that.

I'm glad it rained good. Arizona needs it and so does NJ - grass is going brown and people are not working b/c the grass is dying b/c there isn't enough rain. the weather is great. the past couple of days its been raining off and on and we're supposed to have rain until wednesday. i love it b/c it's in the 70s and windy and almost always cloudy whether there is rain or not. its ya after church last week i wanted to sleep and my comp wanted to work but he was tired too so he let my "sleep" for 10 minutes and we went out and worked. i think being busy when you're sick helps you get over the sickness faster but i could be wrong. and i never did "just sleep" this past week. as much as i wanted to i didn't.

so i don't know for sure what you have but here's what i can remember for the package - a calendar ( doesn't have to be big or anything fancy), healthy snacks, vitamins or vitamin c, whatever i might need being a missionary, some scripture marking crayons, pictures, and something new i thought of, if possible is a reflections of Christ book (in spanish if possible but english is good too) - there is a less active sister in the branch who loves having us over to visit so we talk for 5 mins and teach her something etc. and i thought she might like having a reflections book (1 or 2). if you are able to get one itd be nice but if not, don't worry about it. and envelopes ( the small ones). that's all i can think of for now and again thank you so much for doing this for me. i don't know how i'll ever repay you and julie for everything....

haha oh ya i can see a difficult transition from missionary to college. it's crazy but a part of life that makes it fun.

so weather is rainy but almost always below 85 degrees now, maybe 80. almost always cloudy, and always hay viento (its windy). it hasn't' got super cold yet so we'll see what happens. one of my zls is from phoenix and he said I'll be good with the coats the borens gave me (bro/sis boren, thank you for the coats!) so we'll see. haha my comp isn't too trunkey but yes he reminds me often he's going home soon and I'll try to keep him on track (i think its something i need to develop more of, leadership or whatever it is).

investigators - well one wants to be married to her member husband in the templo and they have dos ninos pero el esposo es flojo y el esposa no va a hacer nada si su esposo no hace nada entonces necesitamos trabajar mas duro con el esposo para bautizar nuestra investigadora. (they have two kids but the husband is lazy and the wife is not going to do anything if her husband does not. so we need to work harder on the husband in order to baptize our investigator.)its crazy and we almost always get trapped at their house for longer than we want.

my bike is doing good. as much as i want to spend money to fix it more, it works for what i need so i'm waiting it out. i know my area might be closed and combined with another area (hay 4 misioneros de el espanol en el misma rama) (there are 4 spanish speaking elders in the same branch) or the other area will close so i'll be in a car if that happens. we ride to the middle of red bank and walk almost everywhere depending on time etc. the concentration of spanish is in the middle of red bank so thats where we are every day.

we are finding more and more less/in actives but still haven't been able to talk to all of them but the Lord will bless us.

gotta go but i love you guys and hope all is well. thank you for everything and for your love and support for me. i hope everyone has a great week and I'll write again in a few days. love you all!!!!

love craig

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