Friday, April 9, 2010

Email sent Friday April 9, 2010


todas cosas estan bien aqui. estoy positivo que escribire cartas a traves email cuando estoy en Nueva Jersey.

Anyways yes the time here is going by really fast. it does feel like a long time but at the same time it doesn't. this morning i was eating breakfast and it felt like sunday to me. we just finished an endowment session in the provo temple. the language is coming along great - we have a district goal to speak only spanish or as much as possible while we are here. thank you for the scriptures again. they help are very nice to have since we can't listen to music while in the mtc. the president of the mtc is doing an 8 week trial period of no music in the residence halls and it happens to be while i'm here - my branch pres. said we could listen to the scriptures though b/c it will help with the lang.

My comps name is elder casey bown. he is from a very small town of i think 200 people and was raised on a dairy farm (he says himself he is a hick). he has an accent but i cant tell anymore. we get along great and our teaching has been growing stronger too. thanks for gettign the blog - grandma roberts sent me a card asking about it. i'll write her later today. thats good to hear gemma is or was walking. i'm sorry its not gettting better though. i'm sorry mom didn't do the easter dinner. that didn't even cross my mind. conference wsa great - i loved it, but my bum didn't (haha). one of the sisters in my district looked at me as elder anderson gave his talk - i didn't recognize them for sure. you could try to send pictures - i don't know untill you try it. it could change though once im in new jersey. and yes i have seen randall around. i actually ran into him his 2nd day here and we have almost the same schedule for gym and meals.

Yo se que la iglesia de Jesucristo es verdad. yo se que el libro de mormon es las palabras de Dios a traves sus profetas antiguos. yo se que jose smith fue un profeta llamado de dios y trandujo el libro de mormon. yo se que el sacerdocio es la autoridad y el poder actuar en el nombere de Dios. the church is true and i will not and cannot deny it no matter what occurs in my life. the best joy is seeing the people who don't have it come to know it is true too.

i love you all and thank you for everything you have done for me. without you i wouldn't be here serving the Lord. (Rob you might have to translate and sorry if what i said doesn't make sense).

Elder Roberts

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