Monday, October 25, 2010

wow. thank you for the details. Im not depressed, just glad to know what happened. that pocket watch came from jason my brother. i would say it was about $20 but ask him for sure - he might be able to remember.

the mission office address is: Elder Craig Roberts
1719 Rte. (route) 10 Ste. (suite) 309
Parsippany, NJ 07054
please send any packages or odd shaped items there; its more convenient and safer.

i am being transferred; i dont know where to or who with but i finally get out of my greenie area which i am sad to say i have to leave. it will be fun though and tonight we're going to try and see some members because tomorrow will be a long day with transfers and my comp is training - he has to be at the mission home by 8 am so we have to leave no later than 615 to be on time. i'll go to the office and get to work throughout the day until transfer conference. it'll be fun and a new experience.

i'm hoping i'll be able to send emily her "gift" - if i could get more, i would send more but it's a hard thing to get. i was lucky to get the ones i have.

elder lee and i really just started becoming really good friends a few days ago - we just tallked about life one night and things have just been better since. we've never had arguments or fights or anything like that just we are 2 completely different people. its been fun and he's taught me so much. i'll miss him

so if there is anything else i'd need id ask for a long sleeve sweater, vneck probably would be best. i can't wear my sweater vest without a cover of some sort over it; it gets pretty hot having the vest and the jacket you bought me on with the backpack. i have grey slacks and black slacks and both suits are black so whatever color you feel would blend the best. oh and wool socks - i only have the acrylic and those aren't very good for winter. i want to buy some here but i havent found any yet so we'll see.

we had 3 investigators to church yesterday; it hasn't happened very often in the past. one was waiting for an answer and we feel he received it yesterday! he knows how to receive and recognize revelation and i know he'll be baptized on his date or sooner. sadly i won't be here for any of the baptisms. our polish investigator is marrying a spanish member; they communicate with english and i decided to give them the Reflections of Christ book you sent me; after i got it i felt like keeping it en vez de giving it to the in active member; i know why i waited now and i am glad i did.

i think on friday morning we walked up to a corner store to use the restroom and atm and elder lee forgot the BoM he was carrying - we passed a couple and i said hi as we walked to a members house - we walked back to the corner store after the member visit and i saw the same couple again. i decided i should contact them and it was a miracle. i gave them a BoM pass along card and asked if they had ever had questions of life (you know what they are) and the husband asked me if the BoM had the answers. If i didn't follow the spirit they wouldn't have the BoM in their life now.

that was a cool experience i had but my times up. i love you all and thank you so much for everything. let me know if i can do anything for you and i'm more than happy to do it.

the church is true. the Book of Mormon is our guide and President Monson is the most vital person to us in this life. we all need to follow His counsel b/c it comes straight from God. speaking of Pres. Monson, can i also get a november ensign of the conf. talks please? it'd be nice to have my own copy.

thank you for everything and i love you so much. thank you Gemma. I love you too and when the pictures get here i know ill love them.

have a great week!!! elder roberts

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