Monday, August 22, 2011

New Area and some photos

Good afternoon!!

So I’m in Englewood NJ! I cover around 16 cities, i think. It’s a huge area. So of course we have a car and we bike one day a week. And the best part about my area is its "Spanglish" meaning my companion only speaks English and i speak Spanish and English. It’s awesome! I feel bad though because my companion isn't always involved in the Spanish lessons. He’s used to it though. He’s picked up a few Spanish words/phrases in his mission so he'll say something here and there but i do most of the speaking. Compared to NY, there is some country and some city. It’s really a good mixture of both. I love it. And I’m still on the Hudson front. I can't seem to leave it as this is my 3rd area next to the Hudson (or near it). My companion is elder Gardner. I’ll send pictures from NY and with e. Gardner since I’ve slacked on that. He’s from enterprise Utah. Born and raised on a farm and loves hunting. Played sports and loves basketball. He’s awesome and younger than i am in the mission. He has just under a year being out. So with the package, don't open it. Leave it until i get home. I didn't send my tithing with it. I’ll send that today in a separate letter. And with the SD card i don't need one yet. I’ll let you know when i do. I still have decent space to take more pictures.

The work is going well. We have a few people who are closer to baptism and more serious about it than my last area. We have an awesome ward mission leader from Jamaica who speaks really good English and lots of sisters who speak Spanish but their husbands don't. It’ll be fun getting to know them.

The weather is cooling off. With the end of august comes the fall in September. Temperatures will start dropping to 70's and only drop from there on out. Soon it will be winter and snow will cover the earth once again. We’ve had rain the past 3 nights and sometimes during the day. Lots of crazy thunder and lightning. I don’t know why we keep receiving it and not AZ. I’m glad the rain came though; to az. it is better than nothing.

That is sad you've been released. You’ll do great with your new calling. It’ll be a challenge at first setting things up the way you want them (as all things are difficult to set up at first) then they'll start to run smoother and smoother. And like you said blessings are in store. You have 2 sons growing up quickly and you'll be able to work with them closer and closer and they progress and advance in scouts and you'll play a huge role in helping them get their eagle long before i got mine. It’ll be the best thing you'll experience at that time in life. You’ve helped me tons and I’m ever indebted for it. Thank you. And i didn't know anything about Austin and having a girl waiting for him!! That is a total surprise to me but I’m glad he's engaged. I don't know if he sent an invitation to me but will you please keep one he sent you for me when i get home?

So changes come and go. I’m used to them to a degree however they can still be hard. if we press forward with faith praying to know our purpose in receiving a change we receive love and comfort and peace to our hearts and minds knowing that there is a reason. We may not see or understand the reason(s) until later but we know we are doing what God wants us to do. He is our Father. We are His children. He has a work for us to do. We can do anything He wants us to do because He's going to give us the help and guidance as we seek it, not only asking for it. The only road blocks we have are ourselves. Once we "lose ourselves" we find our purpose. I know this gospel is true. It’s not only true, but it works. It solves everything. And as we learn more and more about the gospel we find ourselves with more happiness and peace in life. Turn to the Lord in everything and He will direct our paths (proverbs 3:5-6).

I love you all. Thank you for your love and support and encouragement. I truly would not be here without you! Have a great week! Stay cool and stay safe!

Love elder Craig Roberts

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