Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wed. May 19 2009


haha i know. i'm sorry. (I told him he's not allowed to tell us he got hit by a car and then not give any details) yes i am perfectly fine. i really felt like when i was hit it was like i was playing football and someone tackled me. i just stood up and moved my bike out of the road. nothing was broken and i wasn't bleeding anywhere and i honestly felt normal so i wasn't worried. the driver stopped and made sure everything was ok.

so what happened was we had left our bikes at a members house over night and went to get them monday morning. we had an appointment with a recent convert near the memebers area. we were riding against traffic and came to an intersection off a residential neighborhood where the truck was turning right. he never looked right (i guess he didn't need to) and my comp sped up and i thought he saw us coming. he didn't so he started to turn and i was in the way. the bike wasnt really damaged - a broken pedal and a bent pedal bar and thats the worst of it. i have new pedals on it and am still riding it for now. so everything is good and i feel like it didn't even happen but again, it is a testimony builder of the protection we are able to receive when we need it.

i think next week is when i will find out if i will be in the north or in the south part of new jersey which will determine if i will need a better bike or not (i will buy a better bike if i am in the south, not positive yet if i need one for the north).

thats good that schools almost out. i hope they aren't driving everyone too crazy. mason and emily i hope you have fun and enjoy the last week of school. enjoy the swimming and all the other summer activities the happen.

i'm glad to hear the surgery went well (with Rob'd dad) and that everything is good with the baby (Susan's pregnancy). well i guess since everyone else is over their sicknesses i can start mine, if its a sickness. i think i might have allergies here b/c i've been having a runny/stuffy nose almost since i've been here. it's driving me nuts.

mark is going to houston texas! haha thats pretty cool, since my comp from the mtc went to houston texas east spanish speaking. i'm excited for him and i know he's excited too.

haha don't be sorry. you have already done so much for me and continue to do so that i wish i could repay you somehow now and after my mission. really it has been such a great blessing in my life and i know i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the family and friends (the ward/stake too) i made over the past 3 years. i know i've changed immensely and i'm going to keep changing now and probably a whole lot more after my mission. honestly i love you all so much i don't know what i would be doing if it wasn't for you. so thankyou for sending my the blanket and card. i appreciate it so much.

i thought the temple dedication was last week or 2 weeks ago, when susan and luke and emily went down. thats cool though that it's on sunday. i would drive down for it if possible but enjoy it - again, i'm sad im not there to see it.

so one of our investigtors, irma, was sick and she had to go to a doctor i think a few days after our visit with her and we told her that in our church, we have the authority and power to give blessings of health and strength and she immediately asked us to give her one. so we pulled out a chair and we gave her a blessing and after wards she was kinda crying. everything went good and she got better pretty quick. that was something i know changed her.

we went back the next week to see her and we brought up baptism with her (she's had all the lessons and she was being taught before i even was in nj) and she said she wasnt ready or didn't want to prepare for it. we went through the baptisimal interview questions with her and she passed almost everything. one or 2 things she wasn't sure about but for the most part, she passed. for some reason, she doesn't want to be baptised and we're not sure what to do or where to go. she told us that we are always welcome in her home though. we arent meeting with her for a week so i hope and pray that over this week she sees that something is missing and that she'll think about becoming a member.

we have a baptismal date set up for the end of june with edwin, 19 years old, another one of our investigators. his dad is a member so we're hoping that all goes well and that he'll be baptized at the end of june. he's a great kid and i know that if he joins, he will have a much happier life. monday night we were with 2 members and we watched a 5 minute dvd on happiness from the church and we asked them how they have found and find happiness from the church after they were baptised - they both have given up so much of the things they've had or used to do for the church that it shows that they really know for themselves that the church is true. where they live and what they have is very very little, yet they are always wanting to do something for us and they always invite us into their homes. they don't have much they have the gospel, and because of that they are happy, and they always will be, even if they didn't have what they have now.

as far as weather - we've had cloudy days and yesterday was straight rain into the night and today is the same, except its not raining and if it does, its like a misty rain. i guess it's been in the 50s and 60s and will be for a while. to me it feels like it's in the 70s but it's nice and i'm enjoying it other than all the pollen and dust that is in the air (i think i have allrgies to it).

im glad you got the pictures. i'll try and send some next week of the rain we've had. i forgot my usb cord today so i'll remember to bring it next week. it isn't too bad of a place, just i don't like carrying a bike up and down carpeted stairs everyday and sometimes when i wash dishes, i think the hot water either will run out or just not work. i turn the hot water faucet almost a full 360 degrees before the water is coming out steadily. we have a laundry room in the back of the complex too, but we have to use quarters ($1.50 to wash 1 load/ $1.25 to dry 1 load) - i don't like that too much. anyways its fun and it works for what we need.

i love you all and thank you for your love and support and everything you have done and are doing for me. i pray for you all everyday. have a great week.

love elder roberts

i've heard that the suns and the lakers are playing in the playoffs now - whats funny about that is my comp is a huge basketball player and loves basketball - he loves the lakers; i'm from arizona so i'm for the suns - haha imagine what can happen in a companionship over basketball. nothing will happen between us b/c i just don't care who wins or loses. he says though that the lakers will go to the finals. we'll see what happens.

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